Go on line and purchase your license now at Fish and Game www.fishandgame.org.nz and you will get a plastic credit card style one sent to you. Read the regulations!
Check what state you left your gear in at the end of last season and take the required action to have it ready to go for opening day – you want to be fishing not buggering around!
Check you leader and change it should it show ANY signs of wear and tear. Test all the knots in your rig!
If you have felt soled boots that are in good nick try taking them to your local shoe repair guy and see if he can do something for you. If they are in a average state just buy a new set of rubber soles (with tungstan studs)and be done with it!
Take a spare rod with you just in case one of those big beaded nymphs has hit your rod at the end of last season and is just waiting to go and really piss you off on opening day!
As time goes on I will publish more top fishing advice for you light reading enjoyment.
Tight Lines.