I had a great day today, A dozen quick runs on the Quad at Coronet Peak to get my ski fitness up enjoying the fabulous snow conditions and my new Salomon skis and playing with my early season techinque.
Here’s something to think about early season (if you are a skier):
Feel pressure along the whole length of the foot as you ski (not just the heel or the toe).
Widen your stance to hip width or slightly wider.
Focus on disciplined hand and arm position (don’t let them wave all over the shop.
Thinking about these three things as you start your season will be a good foundation enabling you to progress faster this year. Get a ski lesson at an NZSKI snowsports school to find out more! Oh remember to ask for Simon Wilkinson if you want a private ski lesson at Coronet Peak.
After my quick ski I decided putting some dinner on the table might be a good idea (keep the wife happy), and popped down to one of my favourite fishing spots near Queentown. Using a shooting head medium fast sinking line and a yellow hairy dog (fine weather – go for a lighter color fly) streamer fly I into hooked into a good fish (8.5lb brown trout) second cast and enjoyed a good battle in the large and fast moving water) I hooked and landed twomore trout which I let go, and had 2 more bites that didn’t translate into hook ups. Time to go home with dinner for another day! Where can you do that, go ski in the morning and then catch big NZ trout a 1/2hr later! Queenstown and Coronet Peak Rocks!