I just couldn’t help myself yesterday afternoon. A morning in the office saw me chomping at the bit to do something, anything. With no real breeze blowing I decided to head back to one of my local trout fishing spots where I had had good success they day before. I got there about 3pm and rigged up again with my 8 wt and a medium fast sinking shooting head line and tied on a green rabbit (duller light conditions than the previous day and got into work. Didn’t take long (2 casts) and I was hooked in to a nice brownie of about 3.5 lbs and after landing that I continued to work my way down about 150m of big river hooking into fish after fish. One little spot where every cast resulted in a bite or hook up. The end result was 12 to the bank in about 1.5 hours and 3 lost and I would think about 6 hits missed out on, all in all a tremdous afternoon out of the office.
A good mix of brown trout which are spawning and alos rainbows which are hanging out taking the free feed of eggs as the float downstream. Nothing big today, about 4.5 lbs was the largest trout but in big water even 2.5 lbs give you a good run for your money – especially the rainbows.
This chunck of water only fishes well for about 4-6 weeks max as there are the spawning brown trout and the hoover rainbow trout so we proably have a few more good chances over the next month to have some fun in this area.
Off up the mtn 2moro – rostered on to work, but if the weather is puss on Coronet Peak I will probably attack the water again in the afternoon or maybe go for a duck shoot either way it wil be a good day – some skiing, some fishing, some shooting – maybe I can get all three in!