My client and friend flew into Queenstown from Japan for his 8th guided trip fly fishing with me in the lower South Island of New Zealand 2 days ago and he has already landed some great trout.
I don’t speak much Japanese and he doesn’t speak much English so over the years we have developed a system of communication that allows me to guide him successfully and him to catch some superb trout. You see it’s all about teamwork – a guide and a client is a team going out to catch big New Zealand trout on fly fishing gear. If you don’t work as a team it’s never so good but at the end of the day it’s usually down to the guy with the stick in hand doing it right.
The other thing is you need to fish hard, and this guy does on his eight days with me – I work him like a dog and he loves it. He is into learning new things to help him improve all or any aspect of his fly fishing to get more big trout to the bank.
Check out the picture below of a 10.25lb trout he caught yesterday. This is not the biggest trout he has caught on the trip so far but this trout was in the most amazing condition – short in length for its weight.

10.25lb trophy New Zealand Brown Trout
I’m not sure we will be able to beat the 11.75lb brown he caught later in the day but we will sure give a good nudge over the next few days.

11.75lb New Zealand Brown Trout