If you haven’t read Preparing for a New Zealand Fly Fishing Expedition Part 1 – do it now. If you have keep reading.
The gear to bring with you should be right at the top of the list now.

New Zealand Fly Fishing Expeditions, Carlin Bamboo
If you are into a bit of comfort with a roof overhead, hot running water, a real bed etc during your fly fishing trip follow this link for some good ideas of what to bring, make sure to scroll to the gear lists.
If you are looking at the more adventurous options of camp out style fly fishing or multi day hiking fly fishing try this on for size for some good ideas.
One thing about gear however is that especially when it comes down using the rod I see many an angler that can have a very frustrating time fishing in New Zealand and this usually stems from poor presentation in adverse conditions. We fish into a lot of wind particularly in the South Island. If you want to maximize your chances make sure you get some serious practice in before you come. Learn how to cast accurately into the wind, make sure you have a good variety of different casts up your sleeve. Roll casts, reach casts, the wiggle cast, curve casts, double hauling can all be very handy. These will allow you to maximize your chances and get more NZ trout to the bank. When you are out on the water fishing and particularly in an environment such as New Zealand it is not really the time to be practicing these things. Get out on the grass and do the hard yards before you come fishing in New Zealand (or anywhere for that matter).

New Zealand Fly Fishing Expeditions, preparing for battle
Choosing a guide can also be a very important aspect for many when coming fly fishing in New Zealand. A top notch guide will be able to help you with many aspects of your trip to NZ prior to your arrival into the country. Guides often specialize in different things so be sure that you ask them the right questions to solicit whether or not they will be the most suitable guide for you.
For example I specialize more with multi day fly fishing trips with either homestay or camp out options into the remote back country of New Zealand. I have a sports teaching background as a internationally recognized ski instructor which offers a good transfer of skills when it comes to fly fishing casting tips and instruction but there are other guides who have actual fly fishing teaching certification and really specialize in the teaching arena and there are many other types of guide who offer a variety of different skills in different locations.
Make sure to ask if your prospective guide is a member of the New Zealand Professional Guides Association,the first place to go when choosing a guide in New Zealand.
Check out the guides testimonials page and ask to get in contact with one of the people who have written the testimonials – it shouldn’t be a problem.
You and the guide will be working as a team on the water and good communication right from the outset should be expected and enjoyed.

New zealand Fly Fishing Expeditions, on the job
Check out this post for some handy gear to get for your trip or when you get to NZ, comfort is key.
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