Sometimes getting into the backcountry fisheries in New Zealand can be an arduous experience unless you can afford a helicopter to take away the hard yards but other times it can be as easy as driving to the end of the road and going for a wander up a stunning NZ stream. This is especially so in many areas of the South Island and my theory is get out the door early to make sure you have the water you want before somebody else snags it.
The other day the weather forecast was terrible with 120 kph winds forecast (accurate too) and heavy rain falls. As wind is the bane of most fly fisherman I chose to do something a little unusual and instead of running away from the weather I decided that it was in our best interests to have a successful day to head straight towards it. My theory being that we could get under the leading edge of the front and beat the wind knowing full well that we would get rained and face a rising river – better than hurricane!
It turned out to be the right call an we got out of the wind, got rained on but spotted some good fish and better still my client got 3 to the bank and missed a couple to boot – not bad for a 1/2 day guided trip.
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