Fly Fishing Queenstown, New Zealand and the surrounding regions is a fly fishers paradise. There’s always some good water to fish no matter what the weather is doing. You can travel to all 4 points of the compass to go fly fishing from Queenstown maximizing the weather on any given day. Serious anglers should be prepared for early starts and to drive for a good couple of hours to get the best opportunities at catching truly fine New Zealand trout often in quite surreal surrounds. Full day or multi day expeditions are the best ways to really see decent fishing opportunities. To see how stunning fly fishing Queenstown really can be, a helicopter fly fishing trip can open up fisheries that would normally take days to get into by foot and some that going by foot is not an option!

Fly Fishing Queenstown
It’s rare to have big tallies of fish to the bank but the size of the trout makes up for this along with the gorgeous scenery. It’s rarely easy fishing and having a high skill level before you arrive will certainly help, the learning curve once you hit the water here is steep enough as it is. Many of the people I guide are here for the challenging nature and the big trout that fly fishing Queenstown South Island of New Zealand offers, something to really test skills against or to learn some new skills to make the fishing even more enjoyable.
I am always reminded at the beginning of each season how bloody great that fly fishing Queenstown is by some of my early season regulars and my own visits to the the fantastic fishing opportunities that abound around Queenstown.
Make sure to check the guided fly fishing options I have and get a booking in to secure your guided fly fishing Queenstown trip in this fantastic NZ fishery.