Over the last week I have been back and forth and have noticed that most angler access points have not had cars there – which means the anglers aren’t either. Quite surprising in someways as the conditions have been great for early season fishing but in other ways not so surprising as many NZ anglers hit the opening and then seemingly forget about fishing for a while. Now is certainly a good time to get into trout that have not seen much pressure.
All the rivers in my local region have been in great early season nick but we have a bit of rain coming in now so we might see a bit of a spate.
One of the streams that opens on 1st Nov has only just started to have its annual runs of large rainbow trout. This is great for the angler in the know as most years the trout run earlier and the majority of big fish have dropped out by opening. This year for the first time in many it looks as though there will still be some true trophies left to target come the opening week or even two.
This water way can be prone to some flooding and discolors quite easily but when it’s on you certainly have the chance to catch potentially the biggest rainbow trout of your life. Over the last 15 years I have caught well over 15 trout that weighed over 10lbs and a few in the truly stupendous 20lbs +mark.
This unique fishery only has the large trout in it and available to catch for a very short period each year and if they run early they are not they are just not available as the river is under closed season. This season looks like the first in a few years to give this incredible opportunity.
If you really want to have a great chance to catch one of these truly large rainbow trout book a expedition with me from the in the first 10 days of November 2009. I would highly recommend a multi day fly fishing expedition as then we can target this particular stream under the most favorable conditions during your stay to give you the greatest chance of success in hooking one of these monster trout. Days when this river may be flooded out we have an abundance of other excellent choices to ensure you will be targeting fine New Zealand trout.